Thought At Work, TAW for short, is a multidisciplinary design club at Rochester Institute of Technology. This project entailed creating a sticker sheet for the design speaker conference for students that TAW runs yearly. 
The theme of the 2023 conference was “Emerge”. There were professional speakers from different backgrounds, such as graphic design, interior design, industrial design, and product design. 
Since the conference was all about individuality and standing out from the sea of designers, I wanted to showcase that through the styles of the stickers. They all tie together with the same color palette but differ in style. 
I made all of the text in the stickers from scratch to have total control over their look and create exactly what I wanted.​​​​​​​
Today’s trends in graphic design include AI, technology, retro, vibrancy, and shine. I decided to tie those concepts in with the conference theme. 
While creating the stickers, I kept in mind that most people acquiring them are students at Rochester Institute of Technology who want to reflect their interest in technology and design. 
I also included the TAW letters in most of the stickers to keep the stickers branded. 
I’ve observed that the most popular sticker, which is also my favorite, is the balloon @ TAW logo. The second one people gravitate towards is the computer character. (A fellow designer from the TAW team designed the eyes and mouth in the computer sticker.) ​​​​​​​
At first, I was more focused on what I would like to have as a sticker, but I think, moving forward, I should start the process thinking about what my audience would want. It would’ve streamlined the process. ​​​​​​​

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